I wanted to share a quick organizing tip with you. Here is how I organize my files.
I started these files my first year and they've evolved over the past 8 years. When I first made the files I only had the HMR 7.1 labels. That stands for Houghton Mifflin Reading Theme 7 Week 1, which is how the reading series we use is organized. Since then I've added more to the tabs to find things easier. Now they look like the picture above. I've added that weeks spelling patterns, focus vowel, word families, grammar, or anything else introduced/taught during that week. When I run across something and think, 'Hey, this is a great idea! I need to save a copy!' I head over to my files and can find where I want to save it easily. I add to the files through out the year. I try to keep everything in chronological order from the beginning of the year to the end. I keep the current file at the front and when that week is over I put it in the back of the file cabinet and the 'new' current file is in the front. I don't use everything in the files every year, but I like having an arsenal of strategies, ideas, and resources ready if I need it. This system has worked great for me and these files are by far my most valued teaching item. I hope this post has sparked an organizational idea for you. If you'd like to read more organization tips, head over to Blog Hoppin' for their classroom organization linky party!